Expression Unmasked (2024)

Expression Unmasked is a groundbreaking film by Ebony R. Gooden. Directed in response to Miya Turnbull’s Self-Portrait Masks, 2018–2020, the film explores themes of identity and transformation through masks and performance. As part of the exhibition Like everything alive that we try to hold forever (2023), the film highlights the unique interplay between visual art and performance.

The work features outstanding performances by Parker Burkinshaw, Cheryll Littau, Madison Pinlac, Veronika Swartz, and Crystal Wolfe. Ebony R. Gooden’s directorial vision amplifies the themes of self-expression, encouraging viewers to reflect on the layers of identity that lie beneath the surface.

Role: Director
Co-Produced By: Inside Out Theatre
Photography By: Steve Dzolang
Special Thanks: Calgary Association of the Deaf
Featuring: Parker Burkinshaw, Cheryll Littau, Madison Pinlac, Veronika Swartz and Crystal Wolfe

Client Highlight: Esker Foudnation
Esker Foundation, the client for Expression Unmasked, is a renowned contemporary art gallery based in Calgary. Founded in 2012 by Jim and Susan Hill, Esker is committed to fostering accessibility and innovation in contemporary art. By supporting projects like Expression Unmasked, the foundation creates opportunities for artists and audiences to engage in meaningful dialogue about art and culture.

For more information about Esker Foundation, visit Esker Foundation’s website.

Check out Ebony’s other works in film production here.

Client Name

Esker Foundation


Film Production



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